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New ConanCenter Improves Search and Discovery

We’re excited to announce the new and improved ConanCenter! Use our new center with an enhanced UI experience to discover your favorite Conan C/C++ packages. If you’re not familiar with Conan yet, it’s a decentralized package manager for C/C++ that empowers developers to share packages through a push-pull model similar to Git. ConanCenter is a central repository for open source Conan packages, created and maintained by JFrog.

GoCenter Reveals Go Module Vulnerabilities With Xray

Golang developers care a lot about security and as Go modules become more widely used, they need more ways to assure these publicly shared files are safe. One unique feature included with Golang version 1.13 is the foresight that went into authentication and security for Go modules. When a developer creates a new module or a new version of an existing module, a go.sum file included there creates a list of SHA-256 hashes that are unique to that module version.

You're the Top Gopher! GoCenter Badges Honor Amazing Go Modules

In the holiday spirit, we’re bringing a little cheer to the Golang community by celebrating the achievements of some noteworthy Go module authors. We’re excited to launch a new program within JFrog GoCenter that honors select “Top Gophers.” Using key metrics of success such as number of downloads and imports, quality metrics, and usage in GoCenter, we aim to highlight projects that we think are really helping improve software development for the Go developer community.

Did You Feel the Tremors? The DevOps Landscape is Shifting.

In recent weeks, some of the most recognizable companies in the DevOps space have had their foundations rattled, perhaps shaking developer confidence. The acquisition of Docker Enterprise by Mirantis, the acquisition of Sonatype (Nexus) by a capital firm and the open-sourcing of Quay by Red Hat leave many development shops wondering what will happen next with their strategic tool choices.

JFrog Offerings on AWS Marketplace Cover the Full DevOps Experience

JFrog is excited to announce it has expanded its DevOps offerings on the AWS Marketplace to include the most advanced Container Registry in the market, and an advanced Universal DevSecOps solution allowing developers to invent the best code ever while leaving the overhead to us. In this blog, we will introduce our latest offerings – JFrog Container Registry and Cloud Pro X.

Dash to Docker for Cloud Run on Anthos Hybrid

Developing for Google Cloud Run in a hybrid system managed by Anthos isn’t a solo race, it’s a relay between cloud and on-prem. To win, you’ll need an advanced Docker registry that can swiftly pass your containers for Cloud Run functions from one environment to the next. In our example hybrid architecture, you’ll see how JFrog Container Registry can be that reliable relay partner.

JFrog Container Registry Delivers For Business and Community

Ever since container technology hit the scene in 2013, it’s generated excitement from developers and operations teams. Using containers to deliver apps and microservices helps enable large scalable deployments with smoother rollouts, accomplishing in minutes what used to take hours, if not days. Delivering the containers themselves, however, can still be challenging to do across all types of modern infrastructure.

Announcing JFrog Container Registry

For over a decade, JFrog has been performing heavy lifts. We pioneered artifact management, have served developers with industry-leading tools, and helped them get containers quickly and safely where they need to go. Today we’re delighted to announce JFrog Container Registry, the world’s most advanced, fully hybrid Docker registry that’s free to use on-prem, in the cloud, or both.

Hunting for Talent on the DevOps Highway

If you happened to be in Tel Aviv, Israel last month, you probably saw the eye-catching JFrog billboards that took over the city. The JFrog logo with a solid bright green background challenged all of us to Imagine There’s No Version. The JFrog green billboards were everywhere! Decorating trains and buses and lighting up the city landmarks. The message was clear; it was an invitation to imagine a future where software updates flow like water.

JFrog CLI, Your GitHub Actions Hero

Now that GitHub Actions version 2 is out of Beta and available for general use, how can you start managing your Artifactory repositories in your automated DevOps workflows? Who will save your binaries in distress? Never fear, JFrog is here! A new Action has joined the GitHub Marketplace that enables you to use the JFrog CLI in your GitHub Actions workflows to move your builds through development, test, and release.