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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Fleet Introduces OCI Support for Helm Charts

Rancher, the open source container management platform, uses Fleet to enable its continuous deployment features. Fleet brings GitOps functionality to Rancher. Fleet in Rancher 2.7.0 can fetch Helm charts from OCI registries. Using OCI registries to store Helm charts is an increasingly popular storage method. It allows storing your charts in a registry alongside your container images. This unifies the storage options for charts and reduces friction. Using a chart in an OCI registry is fairly simple.

Installing and Running Kubewarden In Air-Gapped Environments

We are excited to announce that deploying Kubewarden in air gap environments has been simplified and documented! For that, you will need a private OCI registry accessible by your Kubernetes cluster. If you’re unfamiliar with Kubewarden, it’s a policy engine for Kubernetes. Its mission is to simplify the adoption of policy-as-code. Kubewarden policies are WebAssembly modules; therefore they can be stored inside an OCI-compliant registry as OCI artifacts.

Everything I Wanted To Know About Kubernetes Autoscaling

Kubernetes is today the most well-known container scheduler used by thousands of companies. Being able to quickly and automatically scale your application is something standard nowadays. However, knowing how to do it well is another topic. In this article, we'll cover how pod autoscaling works, how it can be used, when it's exciting and not, and finally, we'll cover it with a Qovery usage we have internally.

The 4 Most Exciting Features Coming For January 2023

What a year. 2022 was crazy for our product team. So many features have been released, like our new open-source web console, our Terraform Provider, RBAC, and Container Deployment... I can't even list all the things we have delivered. You should check out our changelogs, updated every 2 weeks, to see how crazy the pace was. Now, it's the perfect time to announce the most expected and exciting features coming for January 2023. Let's go!

Takeaways from the Kubernetes state of play 2022 Report

As Kubernetes becomes increasingly integrated across IT environments, organizations are growing more ambitious in how they use the technology, building established use cases like infrastructure management and microservices into new and ambitious fields like machine learning and edge computing. Is Kubernetes ready for this new era? What obstacles still lie in the way that risk slowing growth? Our Kubernetes State of Play for 2022 sought to answer these questions and more.

If Modified Henry Ford Were Your CIO, You'd Be Crushing It in the Cloud

I was hesitant to write a piece on Henry Ford because of his unsavory political views that have tarnished his reputation. However, if we focus on Ford only as a businessman and innovator we can draw some compelling parallels to today’s industrial and business landscape. Thus, for this article we will postulate a modified Henry Ford, a virtual character who possesses only Henry Ford’s positive qualities.