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The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.

We're listening! Leveling up how we gather, review, and respond to product feedback.

The Bitbucket Cloud (BCLOUD) project is an invaluable source of customer-requested product features, enhancements, and suggestions. As Bitbucket Cloud has continued to grow, we’ve built up quite a backlog! To streamline the process, we recently implemented an in-product form as a replacement for manual issue submission. Entering feedback about Bitbucket Cloud is now easier than ever!

Using External Dependencies with Conan @ Bay Area C++ User Group Meetup

In the 2022 C++ survey results an overwhelming majority ~80% said managing libraries was painful, nearly 50% called it a major pain. Given this is not even a conversation in another ecosystem, it’s time we solve it once and for all. This talk will give an introduction to Conan and focus on the latest features you can use today to overcome any challenges. You’ll learn how to work on a CMake project, use different generators, and take advantage of multi-config presets. The goal is you give you a clear picture of how Conan fits into your existing workflow.

Using CI/CD to deploy web applications on Kubernetes with ArgoCD

GitOps modernizes software management and operations by allowing developers to declaratively manage infrastructure and code using a single source of truth, usually a Git repository. Many development teams and organizations have adopted GitOps procedures to improve the creation and delivery of software applications. For a GitOps initiative to work, an orchestration system like Kubernetes is crucial.

Webinar: How Do Mature DevOps Teams Manage Software Security?

There is so much information out there about software security. Every day, there seems to be a new news headline, government regulation, or tool promising to “fix it all”. Do you ever wish you could just peek into how some of the industry’s best dev teams are managing this? We’ve assembled a panel of experts from the mature DevOps teams of Puppet and Shopify to answer some of your biggest questions.

How automation drives DevOps

DevOps is the combination of software development and IT operations. It is a set of tools and methodologies designed to speed up the development of a product and facilitate efficiency throughout its lifecycle. DevOps can increase the rate at which applications and updates are delivered by managing and automating the monotonous and repetitive tasks that plague the development and deployment process.

Building a Fleet of GKE Clusters with Argo CD with Nick Ebert, Google

Organizations on a journey to containerize applications and run them on Kubernetes often reach a point where running a single cluster doesn't meet their needs. ArgoCD and Fleets offer a great way to ease the management of multi-cluster environments by allowing you to define your clusters state based on labels abstracting away the focus from unique clusters to profiles of clusters that are easily replaced. In this talk Nicholas will show you one way to build a platform that removes the uniqueness of a GKE cluster with Fleets and Argo CD.

How to Install and Upgrade Argo CD

We have already covered several aspects of Argo CD in this blog such as best practices, cluster topologies and even application ordering, but it is always good to get back to basics and talk about installation and more importantly about maintenance. Chances are that one of your first Argo CD installations happened with kubectl as explained in the getting started guide.