I’ve been a firmware engineer at two wearable companies in the past, Pebble and Fitbit, and there was always one class of customer support tickets and user complaints that never went away: issues around battery life. It was a constant game of whack-a-mole with every new firmware version introducing a battery regression.
As we stand on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a key player in this brave new world. It’s akin to a jigsaw puzzle, providing the bits and pieces that, when properly assembled, can give rise to a complete and holistic picture of our digitized environment. At the heart of this transformation lies Microsoft’s Azure IoT, a comprehensive suite of services and solutions tailored to unlock the full potential of IoT.
I’m Markus, software engineer @ Tridonic, where we are working on Internet-connected wireless lighting solutions based on the Matter standard. To be able to monitor the reliability of those devices we’ve been using Memfault and tied it into Matter/Thread and its UDP/IPv6 stack based on the Nordic Connect SDK. In the following, I’ll show you the modifications we’ve done to enable Memfault in an IPv6 solution. Like Interrupt?