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November 2020

The Secret Ingredient That Converts Metrics Into Insights

Metrics and Insight have been the obsession of every sector for decades now. Using data to drive growth has been a staple of boardroom meetings the world over. The promise of a data-driven approach has captured our imaginations. What’s also a subject of these meetings, however, is why investment in data analysis hasn’t yielded results. Directors give the go ahead to sink thousands of dollars into observability and analytics solutions, with no returns.

8 Common Elasticsearch Configuration Mistakes That You Might Have Made

Elasticsearch was designed to allow its users to get up and running quickly, without having to understand all of its inner workings. However, more often than not, it’s only a matter of time before you run into configuration troubles. Elasticsearch is open-source software that indexes and stores information in a NoSQL database and is based on the Lucene search engine. Elasticsearch is also part of the ELK Stack.

Are these distractions breaking up your product focus?

Maintaining product focus is the best way to guarantee a successful business. As the late great Steve Jobs put it: “if you keep an eye on the profits, you’re going to skimp on the product… but if you focus on making really great products, the profits will follow.” There are a wide variety of statistics available on how much time developers actually spend writing code, anywhere from 25% to 32%.

SIEM Tutorial: What should a good SIEM Provider do for you?

Modern day Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tooling enterprise security technology combine systems together for a comprehensive view of IT security. This can be tricky, so we’ve put together a simple SIEM tutorial to help you understand what a great SIEM provider will do for you. A SIEM’s responsibility is to collect, store, analyze, investigate and report on log and other data for incident response, forensics and regulatory compliance purposes.

Are your customers catching production problems before you do?

Availability and quality are the biggest differentiators when people opt for a service or product today. You should be aware of the impact of your customers alerting you to your own problems, as well as how to stop this from becoming the norm. To make sure you don’t become an organization known for its bugs, understanding the organizational changes required to deliver a stable service is key.

Elasticsearch Hadoop Tutorial with Hands-on Examples

In this lesson, we’ll learn how we can use Elasticsearch Hadoop to process very large amounts of data. For our exercise, we’ll use a simple Apache access log to represent our “big data”. We’ll learn how to write a MapReduce job to ingest the file with Hadoop and index it into Elasticsearch.

Prometheus Federation with Thanos: How does Thanos Work?

Prometheus is the cornerstone of many monitoring solutions, and sooner or later, prometheus federation will appear on your radar. A well monitored application with flexible logging frameworks can pay enormous dividends over a long period of sustained growth. However, once you begin to scale your prometheus stack, it becomes difficult to keep up with your application’s demands. Prometheus is an extremely popular choice when it comes down to collecting and querying real-time metrics.