Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

January 2021

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

Our recent speed comparison of major headless browser automation tools, namely Puppeteer, Playwright and WebDriverIO with DevTools and Selenium, received a very positive response. The single most common ask from our readers was that we follow up by including Cypress in our benchmark. In this article, we are doing just that - with some precautions.

Checkly: Synthetic monitoring in one minute

We let you monitor your app's frontend and APIs using the tools and language you love. Run checks on schedule or triggered by GitHub PR from 20+ global locations. When things break or get too slow, we notify you on your favorite channels like Slack or Pagerduty, Discord, SMS etc.. To monitor your frontend, we run JavaScript and open-source powered browser checks. You can configure HTTP requests on the API side and adapt them to your use case running Node.js based setup and teardown scripts. Super handy for all kinds of authentication schemes.

It's code! Synthetic monitoring with Terraform Cloud & Checkly

How does one manage monitoring in the age of digital infrastructure as code? Also as code, of course! Combining HashiCorp Terraform Cloud and Checkly enables you to configure synthetic and API monitoring as part of your existing infrastructure codebase. It is flexible, programmable and will keep you out of maintenance hell, even at scale: it is monitoring for developers. Extending your existing Terraform Cloud configuration takes only two minutes. Let's take a look together.