User-centered observability: load testing, real user monitoring & synthetics | ObservabilityCON 2023

User-centered observability: load testing, real user monitoring & synthetics | ObservabilityCON 2023

Nov 20, 2023

Understanding your end users’ experience with your applications and services is critical, and there are a variety of tools to help. But there are also a number of different use cases: During development or in production? Simulate user behavior or monitor real user behavior? What should you use and when?

This recorded session explores when and how to apply load testing, synthetic monitoring, and real user monitoring to gain insights into the end user experience of your critical applications.


0:00 Introductions

1:00 Why the end user experience is crucial!

2:17 Performance golden rule

3:39 Where to start? Real user monitoring (RUM)

4:35 Why do you need synthetics if you already have RUM?

5:31 Why you need performance testing as an engineer

6:18 The Swiss cheese model

7:23 Demo - Frontend Observability

11:45 Demo - Grafana Cloud Synthetics

16:03 Grafana Cloud k6: Performance testing

18:31 Summary