Load testing on Kubernetes with k6 Private Load Zones (Grafana Office Hours #19)

Load testing on Kubernetes with k6 Private Load Zones (Grafana Office Hours #19)

Nov 11, 2023

This week, we're talking about how you can do load testing on Kubernetes with k6 Private Load Zones, a new feature on Grafana Cloud k6 that leverages the k6 Kubernetes operator to allow you to run distributed load tests against applications behind a firewall. Here to discuss this new feature are Senior Software Engineer Olha Yevtushenko, Product Manager Daniel González Lopes, Developer Advocate Paul Balogh, and Senior Developer Advocate Nicole van der Hoeven.

The Grafana k6 repo: https://github.com/grafana/k6
k6 operator repo: https://github.com/grafana/k6-operator
Docs on Private Load Zones in Grafana Cloud k6: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana-cloud/k6/author-run/private-load-zone-v2/

Contact Daniel:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielgonzalezlopes/
GitHub: https://github.com/dgzlopes
X: https://twitter.com/dgzlopes

Contact Nicole:
Mastodon: https://pkm.social/@nicole
GitHub: https://github.com/nicolevanderhoeven
Site: https://nicolevanderhoeven.com

Contact Paul:
X: https://twitter.com/javaducky
GitHub: https://github.com/javaducky
Site: https://javaducky.com/

Learn more about Grafana Labs:
Website: https://grafana.com
Repo: https://github.com/grafana/grafana