Building GitLens, a VSCode App - by Eric Amodio

Building GitLens, a VSCode App - by Eric Amodio

Nov 12, 2021

GitLens is a VS Code app used by over 10 million developers worldwide. In this session from the GitKon Git conference, GitLens Creator Eric Amodio gives an overview of why he built an app that supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.

Hear how Eric first encountered Git and how we came to leverage Git commit messages for a better development experience by exposing project histories directly in an IDE.

Don’t miss hearing from GitLens Creator Eric Amodio as he shares lessons learned and insights gained while working with GitLens and the VSCode community.

Link to the VS Code extension developer community Eric mentions in the video:

Learn more about GitKraken:

#gitkon #gitlens #git #gitconference #gitkraken #vscode #ericamodio

Eric Amodio
Creator of GitLens