Analytics Plus webinar: Catch critical signs of vulnerable security protocols

Analytics Plus webinar: Catch critical signs of vulnerable security protocols

Security is all about addressing every potential vulnerability and creating formidable barriers to deter malicious actors from breaching your sensitive data. Given the multitude of vulnerabilities that need attention, security professionals often find themselves inundated with tasks. It's not just a matter of strengthening your infrastructure; it's about ensuring that every potential entry point is securely sealed to thwart malicious actors' attempts to compromise your infrastructure.

The true measure of security lies in comprehensive coverage rather than the sheer strength of your defenses.

In this webinar, we will delve into:

  1. Key indicators that will help you determine whether your security protocols provide thorough coverage of your infrastructure.
  2. How to measure the security posture of the organization holistically.
  3. Construct a unified on-premises and cloud security overview dashboard.