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Integrating Sysdig Secure with Atlassian Bamboo CI/CD

In this blog post we are going to cover how to perform Docker image scanning on Atlassian’s Bamboo CI/CD platform using Sysdig Secure. Container images with security vulnerabilities or not compliant with the security policies that you define within Sysdig Secure will be stopped, breaking the build pipeline before being pushed to your Docker registry.

Now Available: IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig.

Today at Kubecon we announced the availability of IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig. Together, IBM and Sysdig have launched this new offering to provide a fully managed enterprise-grade monitoring service for cloud-native applications on IBM Cloud. If you build, ship, and run applications on IBM Cloud, you now have direct, integrated access to Sysdig Monitor.

Introducing Sysdig Secure 2.2: Kubernetes auditing, compliance, and access control.

Over the past four years we’ve helped hundreds of organizations run reliable, secure, and compliant Kubernetes and Openshift clusters. Some of the key themes we’ve seen from organizations that have successfully grown their Kubernetes footprint are: they have immaculate labeling, understand how to leverage internal Kubernetes features to harden their platform, and understand what developers need access to and manage it with RBAC and namespaces.