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VMware Tanzu

VMware Celebrates Istio's Graduation to CNCF

As we acknowledge Istio's graduation to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), it's important to note that it’s not just a momentous occasion for Istio, but for the entire cloud native community. This milestone marks a significant growth trajectory for Istio and paves the way for future innovation and success in the years to come. In the realm of microservices, the significance of Istio's role cannot be overstated.

VMware Tanzu Aligns to Multi-Cloud Industry Trends

Businesses today are prioritizing software agility to remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. However, the perks of having access to different clouds, tools, and methodologies can also bring along with it layers of complexity. As the cloud native landscape continues to grow, it’s vital that organizations are investing in capabilities that accelerate developer productivity, drive revenue, and maintain a competitive edge.

The Fundamentals of Portfolio Modernization

Application modernization has been all the rage for years, but we’ve seen firsthand here at VMware Tanzu Labs that most organizations struggle to achieve the outcomes they initially hoped for. Modernization complexity goes far beyond technology, especially within larger organizations that contain dozens of business units, many stakeholders, and multiple—sometimes conflicting—priorities. Many of the organizations we work with have experienced these common roadblocks.

Beyond SaaS: Multi-cluster Kubernetes Management for Regulated Industries and Sovereign Clouds

VMware Tanzu Mission Control is a centralized hub for simplified, multi-cloud, multi-cluster Kubernetes management. It helps platform teams take control of their Kubernetes clusters with visibility across environments by allowing users to group clusters and perform operations, such as applying policies, on these groupings.

Disrupting the Status Quo with Digital Wallets

There’s no shortage of innovation in the financial services industry. Financial institutions have always placed a high value on innovation, as demonstrated by their willingness to fund technology-led initiatives. According to Gartner® Research Inc., “Global enterprise IT spending in the banking and investment services market is forecast to increase by 7.7% in 2023 to $666.5 billion in constant US dollars.

Cloud Native Security for the Rest of Us

Your mission is to secure the vast tracts of land of the cloud native security landscape. Where do you even start?!? It would be preposterous to cover that whole topic in a single session, but we can at least map it out. Our plan is to break it down into three key areas and review each in turn. You’ll leave this session with a stronger understanding of the breadth and depth of cloud native security and resources to further develop your knowledge.

Tanzu Application Platform on the Disconnected Edge

Kubernetes has become the de-facto platform for containerized applications. But it’s a fractured environment and each Kubernetes distribution has their own nuances. Further, much of today’s cloud native software design assumes a healthy Internet connection, which is not always available. What’s missing is a standardized way to deliver applications on top of any Kubernetes, without an Internet connection (also known as air-gapped deployments).

What Is an Application Programming Interface (API)? - VMware Tanzu Fundamentals

What are APIs and why do they matter? The application programming interface is a key enabler of modern applications, and API use is increasing rapidly in virtually every industry, as software development accelerates to meet digital transformation goals. Businesses are embracing an API-first approach to application development and using APIs and microservices to create modern applications and to integrate new applications with legacy systems.

Escape the Legacy Trap: 5 Keys to Successful Application Modernization

Michael Coté and Marc Zottner co-wrote this article. Legacy software can slow—or even stop—business growth. As organizations hit a legacy wall, they face an unfortunate reality: When IT systems are too old and unchangeable, it’s impossible to transform the way their core business works. In fact, 76 percent of executives say that legacy software is holding them back, according to a Forrester report commissioned by VMware. What does that mean for today’s businesses?

The Care and Feeding of Internal Developer Platforms

If you’ve ever attempted to cultivate a backyard vegetable garden, flower garden for your balcony, hydroponic tower, or other system to grow plants, you’ll understand that it’s not a matter of tossing down some seeds in soil and letting nature take its course. Without proper monitoring and management, ecosystems may grow out of control, or simply wither and die off.