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A Zero Trust Approach to Enterprise Kubernetes Deployment

According to a Forrester survey 43% of respondents indicated that security is a challenge hindering container adoption. As enterprise companies shift left to run containerized applications in production, comes many vulnerabilities. Finding the right level of access for the different users and groups of users coming, going, and moving around within these clusters should be top of mind. By 2022, Gartner predicts that, “more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production”.

Container Craziness: Meet us This Fall to Unlock the Knowledge of the Future of Enterprise Kubernetes

Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, which is a significant increase from fewer than 30% today. Kubernetes is the future-proof solution that is going to provide flexibility, power, and scalability to improve productivity for the modern enterprise. It’s the key to modernization in a world moving at warp speed.

Goodbye Dispatch, Hello FluxCD!

We are announcing the deprecation of Dispatch, our DKP 1.x CI/CD tool, based on Tekton and ArgoCD. As another step in the continuous improvement of the DKP platform, in DKP 2.0 we have made the move to FluxCD, a CNCF incubator project. Why did we make this decision? Our customers have significant investments in their build pipelines using battle tested technologies such as Jenkins, TeamCity, and CircleCI. It would be a significant change in their workflows to introduce a new CI tool like Tekton.

What's New? D2iQ Kaptain 1.2!

We are pleased and proud to announce the General Availability of D2iQ Kaptain 1.2. This new update includes new features and improvements to the overall user experience, including: The new dashboard enables users to visually monitor and observe the resource consumption of Kaptain Workloads, observe the state of those workloads, and easily identify and debug any issues.

D2iQ: The Smart Way to Get to Day 2

Leveraging the cloud for business can be rewarding, but getting from cloud to cloud-native is easier said than done. The reality is that in today’s dynamic IT environment, while experiencing the creation of truly amazing technology, forces organizations to choose from an excessive number of options—from cloud providers, to orchestration platforms, to setup tools. Graduating from day 0 means figuring out operational efficiency, security, and long-term costs. So how do you ensure a successful Day 2?

Compare Red Hat OpenShift and D2iQ's Enterprise Kubernetes Solution

As organizations look to adopt Kubernetes, they are being confronted with a growing number of Kubernetes distributions, services, and products to choose from. Navigating the Kubernetes landscape can be incredibly challenging, especially because there is no “one size fits all” solution. To help streamline the process, we compare Red Hat OpenShift and D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) across the top production-grade capabilities to consider while evaluating an enterprise Kubernetes solution.

Compare Rancher and D2iQ's Enterprise Kubernetes Solution

In a relatively short amount of time, Kubernetes has evolved from an internal container orchestration tool at Google to the most important cloud-native technology across the world. Its rise in popularity has made Kubernetes the preferred way to build new software experiences and modernize existing applications at scale and across clouds.