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DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates at Velocity Berlin 2019

So, you want to update the software for your user, be it the nodes in your K8s cluster, a browser on user’s desktop, an app in user’s smartphone or even a user’s car. What can possibly go wrong? In this talk, we’ll analyze real-world software update fails and how multiple DevOps patterns, that fit a variety of scenarios, could have saved the developers. Manually making sure that everything works before sending an update and expecting the user to do acceptance tests before they update is most definitely not on the list of such patterns.

We're Honored: Bank of America Recognizes JFrog for Enterprise DevOps Innovation

Being innovative is like being handsome. It only counts when others think so. When Bank of America honors you for being innovative and improving how their 30,000 developers perform, it’s a very handsome compliment. At the 11th Bank of America Technology Innovation Summit, JFrog was recognized for industrial leadership and excellence in providing global business solutions. This year, JFrog was one of only two technology companies honored for its strong partnership with the firm.

Tanya Gordon - How Atlassian software supports HP on its LPPD journey

Atlassian was chosen as the technical partner to introduce and apply the LEAN methodology at HP. LEAN is not just a buzzword or a quick fix, but rather a strategy: a new way of thinking and running a company, which is beneficial for both line workers and the CEO. The ultimate goal was to create the most value for the customers while minimizing resources, time, energy and reducing waste.

Tim Pouyer - Promoting Kubernetes CI/CD to the Next Level

Many companies and organizations have adopted CI/CD processes in order to help deliver applications running on Kubernetes quickly, transparently, and with automated tests. While this is a desirable goal, it gets more complex when developing a management layer on top of k8s, especially when both images and Helm charts are involved.

Alon Weiss - How to apply Machine Learning into your CI/CD Pipeline

Reducing DevOps costs is a high priority for teams moving to microservices, yet remains a huge challenge when trying to speed up test execution and Continuous Integration cycles by running all tests in parallel over many machines. Test Impact Analysis (TIA) has evolved over the recent years and is today one of the most innovative solutions to DevOps cost reduction. In this session, I will walk you through the evolvement of Test Impact Analysis, from theory to execution, and how SeaLights has shortened it’s testing and CI cycles by over 50% using Machine Learning – based smart test execution.

From Zero to DevOps Superhero: The Container Edition - Jessica Deen, Microsoft

Microservices can be hard; understanding container best practices can be hard as those practices are still being discovered. This session aids in minimizing the learning curve with container orchestration, specifically Kubernetes, by bringing DevOps best practices into the mix. This is not another HelloWorld session with quick tips. Instead, you can expect a deep dive into how you can truly go from zero to DevOps superhero by simply selecting container tooling specifically built for simplifying the process.

Load Up and Drive Cloud DevSecOps on Azure

At JFrog, we think enabling DevSecOps in the cloud should be as easy as ordering from a drive-up window. Getting the tools you need for digital transformation should only be a short stop on your long journey. And you should be able to get it your way, on the cloud services platforms you choose. That’s why we’re excited to announce the availability of JFrog Cloud Pro X on Azure Marketplace.

Enterprise-Grade DevOps Solutions for a Start Up Budget

Even though you’re a small startup or medium-sized business and just beginning your product journey, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a robust and scalable DevOps environment like the Enterprise experts. It is always a good practice when building a startup or a new company to have a solid foundation and start implementing efficient and scalable solutions early. Join and learn how having a limited budget doesn’t mean you can’t have Enterprise quality tools. Hosted by DevOps.com

Recapping the First Yalla DevOps 2019

Yalla DevOps made a grand entrance! and for those of you who didn’t make it this time, or those of you who just want a recap, here are the highlights from the event. From an expert panel to a live broadcast by Alan Shimel (Founder, CEO & Editor-In-Chief of DevOps.com), there was a lot going on. The main themes across keynotes and talks were centered around the community, all about introducing change, shifting left and the importance of enhancing people processes.