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Serverless CI/CD: How we added a staging step

Unit tests and integration tests are vitally important, but sometimes even those aren’t sufficient to ensure that critical services in your application will function smoothly in production. In those cases, adding a staging step to our CI/CD process allows us to test a feature with real data in a less supervised environment. For example, here at Lumigo we decided to use it for our Node.js tracer.

10 Essential Serverless Framework Plugins

To round out our series on the serverless open source community, Itay Herskovits, CTO of Funzing.com – a community marketplace for local experiences – picks 10 must-have Serverless Framework plugins. As serverless technology has evolved, a few early-movers have become staples of serverless development. One of these is Serverless Framework, an extensible serverless application management tool that helps you maintain, support, and deploy your serverless code.

5 reasons why you should use EventBridge instead of SNS

SNS and SQS have been the goto options for AWS developers when it comes to service integration. However, since its (much needed!) rebranding, EventBridge (formerly CloudWatch Events) has become a popular alternative. If you’re still on the fence, then allow me to give you 5 reasons why you should consider using EventBridge instead of SNS.

ABL in focus #8: Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility

Next in our series on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Lumigo Director of Engineering – and newly-minted Serverless Hero – Efi Merdler-Kravitz picks out the key insights from the article, Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility, by AWS Principal Engineer (AWS Lambda), David Yanacek.

Essential Open Source Serverless Code Libraries

Serverless applications, due to their distributed nature, are often stuck having to reinvent the wheel. While small utility scripts and functions are often easily instrumented and monitored, anything of a transactional nature will need to implement special code to provide developers with common tools like stack traces, atomicity, and other patterns that rely on a singular flow of control.

Essential Open Source Serverless Tools

The infrastructure that runs your applications can be nearly as complex as the applications it supports. This complexity generally scales with the resilience of the architecture of your application, the scaling needs, and any security concerns. Thus, successful infrastructure for traditional applications often relies on a comprehensive tooling suite that allows the infrastructure engineers to iterate upon and improve your application’s resources.

Serverless Cost Optimization: Kinesis Streams vs Firehose

Serverless development opens lots of new opportunities, and if you’re invested in serverless (or you’ve been following the hype) you’ll know that cost efficiency is principal among those benefits. Simply put, we can save money by choosing the right tool for the right task. Since a distributed microservices architecture is made up of many managed services it’s a simple task to change out the building blocks of a particular application flow.