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The latest News and Information on Serverless Monitoring, Management, Development and related cloud technologies.

Early-detection of Potential Sources of Failure in Serverless

We recently wrote about why serverless applications fail and how to design resilient architectures. Being able to detect early-stage failure indicators can be invaluable. With proper monitoring, developers move from waiting for the system to crash and adopt a more proactive attitude in managing resource allocation and architecture design to avoid bottlenecks and performance degradation.

The Anatomy of a Secure Serverless Platform - Delivery

I recently joined Stackery from Puppet: a company that specializes in great automation software for the globe’s biggest enterprise IT operations teams. I had the privilege of learning from folks doing the best work of their life to automate the provisioning, configuration, and maintenance of infrastructure that enables teams of developers to move fast and make a difference for their business.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Stackery Expands Serverless Security and Continuous Delivery Capabilities

Today, Stackery is announcing enhanced security and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) capabilities that enable teams to automate delivery best practices from laptop to production. With additional audit capabilities, scoped IAM permissions, and secrets management for automated verification and deployment pipelines, Stackery helps teams scale serverless usage and accelerate modernization and innovation projects.

How to monitor multiple Azure subscriptions in a single dashboard

In a typical enterprise, there would be multiple Azure subscriptions managed across various tenants. Each tenant would have multiple subscriptions for respective environments. This blog focuses on managing the multiple Azure Subscriptions with Serverless360. Let us take a simple scenario to have a better understanding of how Serverless360 overcome the challenges faced in the Azure portal with the help of Composite Application.

The Anatomy of a Secure Serverless Platform, Pt. 2 -- Development

Stackery’s secure serverless platform for AWS offers teams a key resource to help realize the promise of serverless – by automating otherwise complex infrastructure processes, we enable you to leverage the massive suite of AWS tools and services with minimal management overhead. It’s crucial for teams to do this while enforcing security and ensuring adherence to compliance guidelines.

Discover How Serverless360 Can Help Improve Remote Work

Azure Serverless Applications are indeed powerful and super-efficient in delivering the right solution sooner to the market. However, the Azure portal is just not enough to meet the operational and support requirements of the Serverless Application. Organizations cannot afford to invest time and effort in skilled Azure resources in proving support.

Four immediate benefits you will gain from a modern monitoring platform

Cloud applications don’t just run flawlessly by way of magic. Many things can go wrong, and rest assured some will go wrong at one point. For small teams, this can be cumbersome and take a toll at the development speed. A monitoring system will detect these issues on behalf of the development team, so that they can act accordingly. At Dashbird, we think there’s much more to it, though, than just detecting and alerting issues, especially for small teams of developers.

The Anatomy of a Secure Serverless Platform, pt. I --- Design

A good software design tool enables rapid visualization of application architectures, much like a virtual whiteboard. A great design tool validates service architectures, their communication flows and the infrastructure required to execute them—and builds a scaffold that can be seamlessly taken forward into development. Security is a vital component of that scaffolding, starting at the design stage and extending through the application lifecycle.