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PagerTree Team Admin QuickStart Guide

In this quick start guide, we will cover the basics of getting started as a team admin within PagerTree. Transcript: In this Team Admin QuickStart guide, we will explore the basics of team management in PagerTree. Team admins are responsible for managing teams within PagerTree. In the Team Page, admins can edit current teams, on-call schedules, and escalations policies. When editing teams They can assign and remove members as well as assign team admins.

PagerTree Account Admin QuickStart Guide

In this quick start guide, we will cover the basics of getting started as an account admin within PagerTree. Transcript: In this quickstart guide, we will show you the basics of an account admin in PagerTree. Before watching this video, it is suggested to read and watch the Architecture Guide to build a strong foundation for your understanding of PagerTree and how it works. Here is a brief overview of the alert workflow.

PagerTree Team Admin Quickstart Guide

In this quick start guide, we will cover the basics of getting started as a team admin within PagerTree. Transcript: In this Team Admin quickstart guide, we will explore the basics of team management in PagerTree. Team admins are responsible for managing teams within PagerTree. In the Team Page, admins can edit current teams, on-call schedules, and escalations policies.

SLA vs SLO vs SLI: Whats the Difference?

In this video, we cover the key differences between SLA, SLO, and SLI defining each term and giving real world examples of how they differ. This video was brought to you by PagerTree. On-Call. Simplified. Transcript: SLA vs SLO vs SLI Whats the difference? In this video, we will define these terms, compare them to one another and give real-world examples of how they work.

SLA Service Level Agreements #SLA #Service #Level #agreements

Service Level Agreements, or SLAs, are essentially a promise or guarantee from the service provider to the customer. They outline the expected level of service, detailing the products or services to be delivered as well as the consequences for missing these service levels. SLAs are typically drafted by legal departments with insights from product managers and are designed to be customer-facing. It sets the stage for accountability and sets clear expectations right from the start.

PagerTree Broadcasts

PagerTree broadcasts are a great way to send mass messages to multiple teams or users (think of an all hands on deck situation). When using the broadcasts feature you can send one way messages and optionally request a response. PagerTree intelligent on-call alert routing gives teams flexible schedules, escalations, & reliable notifications via email, SMS, voice, chatbots, & smartphone app.