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SolarWinds Cloud Monitoring for DevOps

SolarWinds cloud monitoring portfolio—which includes Pingdom®, AppOptics™, Papertrail™ and Loggly®—helps DevOps professionals identify and troubleshoot problems quickly and easily. These purpose-built tools help provide full-stack visibility from user experience to custom metrics, distributed traces, and log management.

Two Geeks and a Goddess II: Azure® the Easy Way - SolarWinds Lab Episode #72

If there’s one customer takeaway in 2018, it’s that most of you are now running at least some production workloads in somebody else’s data center, especially Azure®. The great news is you can monitor cloud resources with the tools you already have, and we’ll show you how.

SolarWinds Free Tool Overview: The Flow Tool Bundle

Find out how you can make the most of your SolarWinds Flow Tool Bundle! This free tool pack will help you to quickly distribute, test, and configure flow traffic with three handy, easy-to-use, and easy-to-install network traffic analysis products: the NetFlow Replicator, NetFlow Generator, and NetFlow Configurator.

SolarWinds Lab Episode #71- FestivOps for the Rest of Ops

Confused about much hyped DevOps? Curious if developer's monitoring tools are different than those made for operations? Wondering if there are hidden cloud tools in the Orion® Platform modules you already have? As always, SolarWinds Lab™ is here to help. In a SolarWinds Lab first, Head Geeks™ Thomas LaRock and Patrick Hubbard travel to Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent to interview technology pros and SolarWinds customers about how much or even *if* they’re happily using DevOps and cloud technologies in production.