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Capacity Operations for Kubernetes

Kubernetes adds undeniable benefits when it comes to flexibility and agility, but providing suboptimal resource specifications at the container or node level creates tremendous inefficiencies at scale, leaving resources stranded and utilization very low. Learn how the practice of Capacity Operations can augment DevOps and FinOps initiatives and enable greater agility for your operations organization.

FinOps Best Practices at Autodesk

See how Autodesk reined in Amazon Web Services (AWS) costs with a comprehensive, cross-functional FinOps program. Densify enables successful cloud financial management at Autodesk by providing each team—Finance, Engineering, and application owners—reliable cloud optimization recommendations and trustworthy justification, creating cross-silo collaboration that delivers reliable applications at the right cost.

DevOps Training: Enabling Continuous Cloud Capacity Optimization

Cloud elasticity makes capacity management irrelevant in the cloud, right? Wrong! In fact, with effectively no limits on potential capacity, optimization and management becomes critical. Watch as we explore opportunities for DevOps practitioners like you—linchpins for enabling cloud business strategies—to achieve greater agility while providing increased cloud ROI.

Cloud Cost Optimization & DevOps

See how leading enterprises are achieving continuous, DevOps-driven cloud and container cost. Our DevOps experts detail methods for embedding cloud cost optimization into DevOps pipelines, demo an extensible, best practice DevOps pipeline supporting continuous cloud FinOps, and showcase case studies of advanced enterprises successfully augmenting their DevOps to embrace systemic optimization.