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Create Alerts on Cloud Monitoring

Are you interested to know about alerts in Cloud Monitoring? Would you like to know how to create metric based alerts for Google cloud products through cloud monitoring? In this video we introduce you to Alerts in Cloud Monitoring, how it works, the different types of alerting policies. Watch this video to learn how to create metric based alerts for Google cloud products.

Analyze Pacemaker logs in Cloud Logging

As an SAP system administrator, you've probably asked yourself: why did my Compute Instance restart? Why did Pacemaker restart my instance? Why did/didn’t my SAP system failover? By streaming Pacemaker logs into Cloud Logging, you can now find the answers to these questions by using a Cloud Logging query template to filter out the noise generated by Pacemaker logs.

Stream application logs into Cloud Logging

Do you have workloads that generate logs inside your Google Compute Engine (GCE) instances? Would you like to troubleshoot your application directly from Google Cloud Platform? Then check out this video to learn how to install and configure the Ops Agent to stream any third party application log into Cloud Logging.

Cloud Data Fusion: Concepts of Networking

To understand implementation, security, and connectivity in Cloud Data Fusion, it’s helpful to first understand the networking concepts. In this episode of Networking End to End, Lorin Price goes over what Cloud Data Fusion is, Public IP vs Private IP, and more. Be sure to look out for more videos on the Concepts of Networking for Google Cloud’s managed services! Chapters

Cloud SQL: Concepts of Networking

Cloud SQL provides a managed service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases as well as backups, high availability, maintenance, and so much more! In this episode of Networking End to End, Lorin Price discusses networking concepts from implementation and security to connectivity on Cloud SQL. Watch along to learn about the options for deploying Cloud SQL and tips on how to determine who and what can access your Cloud SQL instance.

How to set up Prometheus monitoring for your services

When you run applications in production, you need to monitor the infrastructure they run on - and collect important signals about application health like error rates and latency. In this episode of Engineering for Reliability with Google Cloud, Yuri will demonstrate how to instrument your service to expose application-specific telemetry with Prometheus and how to configure Google's managed service for Prometheus to collect those metrics.