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Cribl Search: An Innovative New Way to Search Observability Data

These days, administrators typically have to deploy multiple tools to search through all of their datasets – then they get to spend the little free time they have left over dreaming of a world where they could search multiple distributed datasets simultaneously, similar to existing web search tools. They might have one tool for Splunk, another for Elastic, and some may even still be using grep or some other cumbersome function to search non-correlated data.

Eating Our Own Goat Food: Using Our Own Products

Here at Cribl, we’re big on GoatFooding. We not only prepare but consume our own products, in our own products. Today we’ll pull back the curtains to shine a light on how we use Cribl products within our Cribl.Cloud service. Cribl is a pioneer in the observability space, so what better way to use our products than by observing Cribl.Cloud?

Searching Observability Data Just Became Point & Shoot

The traditional approach for searching observability data is a tried-and-true: Once all the search staging is accomplished, we can perform high-speed, high-performance, deep-dive analysis of the data. But is this the best way or even the only way to search all that observability data? The answer to the first question is maybe, as it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. The answer to the second question must be a resounding no.

Cribl.Cloud Is Now On AWS Marketplace!

As of 2022, 49% of enterprise workloads and data are in a public cloud, and that number is expected to increase by 6-7% over the next year. Why? With big cloud moves come big benefits: optimized performance, reduced management overhead, and cost savings on data centers. However, it also comes with the struggle to get a handle over never-ending data growth. Customers are looking to Cribl to help route and process that data at scale and need a seamless way to get started within minutes.

Pipeline Profiling: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Isolate the Problem

It’s that time of year again! If you’re not a procrastinator, you’ve probably already blown out your sprinklers for winter and are looking forward to the snow and holidays ahead. Well done, irrigation purists! I, on the other hand, am an olympic-level procrastinator and will usually wait until the last moment before NWS forecasts a 10″ snow for the night then frantically search for my air compressor.

Edge + AppScope: Unlocking New Insights You Didn't Know Existed Was Never This Easy!

The moment has finally arrived! “Yes! I do” “Yes! I do” With great joy, I now introduce to you the newly married Edge and AppScope! Beginning the journey of a lifetime, let’s give it up for this power couple! Together they offer auto-discovery, central management, high scalability, high-fidelity data collection, and rich observability.

Observability Pipelines Have Never Been This Easy to Set Up, Manage, and Troubleshoot

Did you know? Baby goats stand and take their first steps within minutes of being born. There is no stopping the goats! Likewise, there’s no stopping the goats at Cribl from innovating! Our product herd is growing rapidly, and it’s time for us to share the latest and greatest about our head of the product herd – Cribl Stream. (If you haven’t figured it out yet, We love goats here at Cribl. We even have a goat mascot; meet Ian)

What's New With Cribl.Cloud: Search, BYO IdP, AWS Marketplace, and More

If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you probably got it because of fast and free shipping. And then you discovered your membership also lets you watch tv, movies, and even live sports through Prime Video. When Amazon acquired Whole Foods, your membership included grocery delivery in under 2 hours! The more I explore my Prime membership, the more I find new and exciting access to services I don’t have to sign up for.

Cribl is Redefining Search for Your Observability & Security Data

Cribl, a leader in open observability, today released Cribl Search, the first federated query engine focused on observability and security data. Search flips the observability market on its head, dispatching queries to where the data is already at rest. Cribl Search was engineered to let you search data-in-place, whether the data remains at the edge, in the stream, in the observability lake, at the endpoint, or even in existing search tools.

Livin' on the Edge With Cribl Edge 4.0: Featuring Improved Scalability, Enhanced Fleet Management, and AppScope Integration

Cribl CEO Clint Sharp first announced Cribl Edge in March of 2022. Our SVP of Marketing, Abby Strong, complemented the announcement with a well-rounded blog post discussing why Cribl Edge is the first fully manageable and auto-configurable agent designed to collect telemetry data at scale. Even Aerosmith gave the product a shoutout! Well, not really, but wouldn’t it be fun if it was true? 🙂 We’re thrilled to be back with exciting news about the latest release of Cribl Edge (4.0).