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FluentD vs Logstash - Choosing a Log collector for Log Analytics

When we have large-scale, distributed systems, Logging becomes essential for observability, monitoring, and security. No matter what architecture (Monolith/Microservices) our systems have, they are complex due to the number of moving parts they have and the challenges they face around management, deployment, and scaling. In this scenario, Log management tools rescue the DevOps and SRE teams in order to help them monitor and improve performance, debug errors, and visualize events.

Elasticsearch vs Splunk - Which tool to choose for Log Management?

Developing software is an art in itself. From building to shipping, developers have to keep iterating the process to make improvements to the existing ones. Developers around the world spend hours on building quality logging into their applications. But this logging is only efficient when we have one-page or two-page applications where debugging through logs is relatively easy.

Kubernetes Audit Logs - Best Practices And Configuration

Kubernetes is the de facto leader of container orchestration tools. With the growing popularity of micro-service-based development, Kubernetes emerged as the go-to tool to deploy and manage large-scale enterprise applications. However, with the plethora of features offered by Kubernetes, it is a complex tool to manage and operate. This article will focus on how to configure Kubernetes Audit Logs so that you can have the records of events happening in your cluster.

10,000+ GitHub stars, Enterprise edition, and Performance Benchmarks - SigNal 18

Starting this one off on a different chord! Startups are challenging yet fulfilling. There is always a long road ahead - full of challenges and uncertainties. Yet, sometimes we hit a milestone and feel nostalgic about the journey completed. 10,000+ GitHub stargazers seemed like a distant dream, but finally, it’s here. Moments like these are special to the team. We are grateful to the developer community for their continued support since our inception.

Nodejs Performance Monitoring | Monitor a full-stack Nodejs application with open-source tools

Nodejs tops the list of most widely used frameworks for server-side programming by developers. Powered by Google’s V8 engine, its performance is incredible. As a result, Nodejs has now become a critical part of the technology stack of large-scale enterprises and startups. And as nodejs is based on Javascript, it is also easier to learn and begin with. Nodejs is a dynamically typed single-threaded programming language.

First page of Hacker News, 9000+ GitHub stars, improved dashboards and documentation - SigNal 17

Welcome back to our monthly product updates - SigNal! So happy to share with everyone that we were trending on the first page of Hacker news over the weekend, and the whole team was so upbeat about it. Last month, we shipped a lot of dashboard and documentation improvements to make SigNoz better for our users. We also participated in conferences, gave talks on open source, and sipped a lot of coffee! Let us see what humans of SigNoz were up to in the month of September 2022!

An Open Source Observability Platform | SigNoz

Cloud computing and containerization have brought many benefits to IT systems, like speed to market and on-demand scaling. But it has also increased operational complexity. Applications built on dynamic and distributed infrastructure are challenging to operate and maintain. A robust observability framework can help application owners stay on top of their software systems. In this article, we will introduce SigNoz - an open source observability platform.

What is Distributed Tracing and How to implement it with Open Source?

Distributed tracing helps you track requests across services and understand issues affecting your application performance. In distributed cloud architecture, debugging performance issues is complicated. Distributed tracing gives visibility to teams on how a user request performs across different services, protocols, and cloud infrastructure. Let’s start with a brief overview of distributed tracing.

The future of OpenTelemetry | Q&A

OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data. The telemetry data helps developer, DevOps and IT teams to keep a check on their application health. The telemetry data collected by OpenTelemetry consist of logs, metrics, and traces. Together, they are used for performance monitoring and observability in distributed systems. At SigNoz, we are building an OpenTelemetry native APM.

Current state of OpenTelemetry and how it fits in the DevOps ecosystem | Q&A

OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data. The telemetry data helps developer, DevOps and IT teams to keep a check on their application health. The telemetry data collected by OpenTelemetry consist of logs, metrics, and traces. Together, they are used for performance monitoring and observability in distributed systems. At SigNoz, we are building an OpenTelemetry native APM.