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Monitor gRPC calls with OpenTelemetry - explained with a Golang example

gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) is a high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework that Google developed to achieve high-speed communication between microservices. gRPC has Protobuf (protocol buffers) by default which would format or serialize the messages to a specific format that will be highly packed, highly efficient data. By its virtue of being a lightweight RPC, gRPC is suited for many use-cases. gRPC can be considered a successor to RPC, which is light in weight.

Implementing OpenTelemetry in a Gin application

OpenTelemetry can be used to trace Gin applications for performance issues and bugs. OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data like logs, metrics, and traces. Gin is an HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin!

Making SigNoz the Most Powerful Open Source Distributed Trace Product - SigNal 27

Welcome to the 27th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 27! Our team shipped the much anticipated Trace and Logs Explorer. With the new Trace Explorer page, SigNoz is the most powerful open-source distributed trace product out there. Let’s dive in to see what humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of July 2023.

Should you DIY your Opentelemetry Monitoring?

I recently read this thread in the CNCF slack from someone wanting to send metrics and traces directly to Postgres. Reasonable enough right? After all once your data is in postgres you can query it to your heart’s content. And isn’t the general culture of OpenTelemetry that you should be able to do all of Observability without resorting to SaaS tools? The thread, however, is pretty universally opposed to this approach; and I have to say that I agree.

Using SigNoz to Monitor Your Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes and OpenTelemetry are both CNCF projects, and both are closely associated with modern microservice architecture. Despite their connection, there isn’t a single cohesive solution to monitoring your Kubernetes cluster with OpenTelemetry. Large teams that use complex clusters in production have generally ended up building their own tools for monitoring both their infrastructure and application code.

Improved User Experience, Community-led Tutorials, and the Upcoming Explorer pages - SigNal 26

Welcome to the 26th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 26! Our team shipped important updates to improve user experience. We were also pleasantly surprised by the number of community-led tutorials featuring SigNoz. Let’s dive in to see what humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of June 2023.

What is High Cardinality Data?

While reading a GitHub issue on the OpenTelemetry Collector about trying to send two versions of a metric, one with higher and one with lower cardinality, it occurred to me that we’ve never written on this blog about what is high-cardinality data exactly and how it matters to your OpenTelemetry observability. High-cardinality data refers to a dataset or data attribute that contains a large number of distinct values relative to the total number of data points.

SigNoz - Open-source alternative to Dynatrace

If you're looking for an open-source alternative to Dynatrace, then you're at the right place. SigNoz is a perfect open-source alternative to Dynatrace. SigNoz provides a unified UI for metrics, traces and logs with advanced tagging and filtering capabilities. In today's digital economy, more and more companies are shifting to cloud-native and microservice architecture to support global scale and distributed teams.

13,000+ GitHub stars, new Trace and Logs Query Builder, Correlated Signals & more - SigNal 25

Welcome to the 25th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 25! Our team shipped important upgrades to SigNoz, like new trace and logs query builder. We also attended many events and had a small get-together after months. Let’s dive in to see what humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of May 2023.