In the eternal hunt for elusive bugs, logging is an indispensable aid. By recording the events and messages that occur during the execution of your program, logging opens the door to unparalleled debugging and performance monitoring capabilities. It all starts with Python’s built-in logging module. However, the true power of Python logging is unlocked not merely by using it, but by mastering it.
Today's applications are incredibly intricate and interconnected, often relying on numerous third-party services and libraries. With this complexity comes an increased likelihood of things going wrong. However, an error doesn't usually announce itself with great fanfare and a detailed explanation. More often than not, it shows up as an unexplained crash, a suspicious slowdown, or a surprising output. Error logging shines a spotlight on these problems.
We are excited to announce the rollout of our new Rollbar Improve component, Analyze. As we strive to provide you with the best possible tools to monitor, understand, and improve your code, we've combined two powerful features, RQL and Metrics API, into one comprehensive package. Analyze is designed to deliver even more powerful insights to help your teams better understand your code and make data-driven decisions.