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September 2022

The Complete Kubectl Cheat Sheet [PDF download]

Kubernetes is one of the most well-known open-source systems for automating and scaling containerized applications. Usually, you declare the state of the desired environment, and the system will work to keep that state stable. To make changes “on the fly,” you must engage with the Kubernetes API.

Top 10 Logging Frameworks Across Various Programming Platforms

A logging framework is a software tool that helps developers output diagnostic information during the execution of a program. This information is used to debug the program or monitor its performance. There are many different logging frameworks available, starting with simple logging libraries to full-fledged logging and observability platforms.

Debugging Node.js HTTP Requests

HTTP is the backbone of all API-centric, modern web apps. APIs are the place where the core business logic of an application lives. As a result, developers spend a lot of time optimizing the API business logic. This article addresses a Node.js developer’s dilemma while debugging an HTTP API request. We take a sample Node.js/Express.js-based HTTP service to demonstrate a new way of debugging Node.js applications using the Lightrun observability platform.