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June 2021

Using the Redis Command-Line Correctly

Redis is an open-source in-memory data store. You can use Redis as a database, message broker, or cache. It also supports Lua script evaluation so you can build automation scripts or custom operations on top of your key-value Redis store. Typically, developers use language-specific client libraries when building apps with Redis. These clients abstract Redis’ command-line interface (CLI), making it easier to work with but more work to set up.

How to Debug Race Conditions Between Threads in Java

How many days off have been marred by debugging race conditions and deadlocks in complex multithreaded, Java code? You’ve probably vowed, Never again and embarked on a quest to always catch race condition errors early by writing tests and debugging. Multithreaded applications are a great way to improve performance, but they also make routine tasks like debugging a little more complicated.

Security Datasheet

As experienced cybersecurity engineers with strong cloud and SaaS backgrounds, the Lightrun team fully recognizes the importance of embedding security as part of the product design and delivery. This document provides a high-level overview of Lightrun's security model, architecture and primary controls. While there are no 100% bulletproof solutions, the Lightrun platform is designed with a significant investment in security from the ground up, as outlined in this document.