What's New in Turbo360 - Wiki, Document Groups, Azure Advisor Based Recommendations....

What's New in Turbo360 - Wiki, Document Groups, Azure Advisor Based Recommendations....

Jul 3, 2024

Turbo360 brings a suite of enhancements added to elevate your Azure management experience. Hit play to hear what's in store for this month.

Key Product Feature Updates:

00:00:14 - Wiki, the knowledge repository within the application
00:00:46 - Support for excluding VM families in Rightsizing recommendations
00:01:16 - Azure Advisor based recommendations for Rightsizing and Reservation
00:02:09 - Metric evaluation period up to 90 Days
00:02:37 - User access policy based on tracked properties
00:03:08 - Document Groups in Azure Documenter

Try it for yourself with a 15-day free trial and see why Turbo360 is the ultimate Azure management platform → https://bit.ly/4eG1f1Q

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