What's new in Turbo360 SAML Certificate monitoring, Support for SQL Managed Instances, Enhanced VM

What's new in Turbo360 SAML Certificate monitoring, Support for SQL Managed Instances, Enhanced VM

Aug 29, 2024

Turbo360 brings a suite of enhancements added to elevate your Azure management experience. Hit play to hear what's in store for this month.

Read the documentation at → https://bit.ly/4cJFVWX

Key moments:

(00:00:16) Real-time Status Indication
(00:00:51) Cost Analyzer Module Updates
(00:01:04) SQL Database Optimization
(00:01:29) Managed Instance Support
(00:01:54) Rightsizing and Optimization
(00:02:55) Ticket Creation Flow
(00:03:46) Business Application Module Updates
(00:03:52) SAML Certificate Monitoring
(00:04:19) Client Secret Expiration Monitoring

Try it for yourself with a 15-day free trial and see why Turbo360 is the ultimate Azure management platform → https://bit.ly/3X805Ei

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