Want more software reliability? It starts with leadership

Want more software reliability? It starts with leadership

Jun 20, 2024

If you want to improve reliability, it has to be important from the top down.

"As part of the CTO or leadership owning it, they need to tell folks that it's important in the product roadmap, in some of the development schedule, that we spend time on it, that the CEO is the person that holds people accountable, that they review the metrics, that they sit in the outages, that they understand the quality of the software.

I think that sets the right tone down the line.

Once folks know, 'Hey, it's okay for me to spend some time and invest on this. If I do a good job, I'm going to get recognized. If I do a poor job, I'm going to get called out.'

Right there, you have a much different world than, 'Oh, hey, something's broke. Go fix it.' 'Oh, hey, I sure hope this doesn't break. But you know what? We're just gonna we're gonna hope and pray.' "
—Kolton Andrus, Gremlin CTO