Roundtable: The Complexities of Cloud Migration - Dash 2021 (Datadog, LaunchDarkly, StockX)

Roundtable: The Complexities of Cloud Migration - Dash 2021 (Datadog, LaunchDarkly, StockX)

Oct 28, 2021

Often when completing a migration project, you’re having your organisation straddle between two systems. You’re fighting habits and changing attitudes while also attempting to complete a high-risk operation.

Every software team at one stage in their career will have to complete a migration. Whether it’s to improve scalability and performance, or transition between an on-prem to cloud solution, you’ll need a deep understanding of your current environment to create a strategy that minimises downtime for your team.

In this roundtable discussion, we discuss:

  • Reliability - How to maximise uptime throughout the process
  • Resilience - Methods of mitigating risk across legacy systems and outdated assets
  • Observability - Ways of tracking potential blindspots without overwhelming cross-functional teams

Speakers: Jessica Cregg, Busra Koken, Henry Barrow, Nicholas Donohue