How to: Search your logs using query language in AppLogs

How to: Search your logs using query language in AppLogs

May 8, 2023

Collect, consolidate, index, and search logs to gain actionable insights using Site24x7 AppLogs. Add a log profile and log type to start managing your logs. Run an easy-to-understand query language search to filter out invalid values and obtain actionable results quickly. Learn more about query syntax, structure, and types from the help docs below.

0:00 - Introduction

0:42 - AppLogs query language: Supported keywords

0:49 - or query: Compare the success vs. failure requests in your IIS Access logs

1:04 - avg, min, max, sum queries: Find the performance of your requests using the time taken fields

1:21 - timeslice query : Identify the number of failed requests with a 500 status code every day:

1:32 - group by -timeslice query : Identify the different request statuses each day grouped by the status code.

1:43 - before query: Compare the total success request count this week with last week.

2:00 - before-timeslice: Compare this week's overall success request count with last week's by each day.

2:16 - Groupby - Having - Sort: Find which requests mostly take more than 1 second to complete.

2:35 - Percents-Percentile: Identify the TimeTaken for 95% of the requests.

2:46 - histo-range: Identify the number of requests at various time intervals.

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