How to instrument an uninstrumented block of code with custom instrumentation in APM Insight

How to instrument an uninstrumented block of code with custom instrumentation in APM Insight

Learn how to instrument an uninstrumented block of code using Site24x7 APM Insight.

About Site24x7
Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and ITOps. Monitor the experiences of real users accessing websites and applications from desktops and mobile devices. Site24x7's in-depth monitoring capabilities enable DevOps teams to monitor and troubleshoot applications, servers, and network infrastructures (including private and public clouds). End-user experience monitoring is done from over 90 locations across the world and across various wireless carriers. For more information about Site24x7, please visit

Related links
The custom instrumentation feature in APM Insight is supported by Java and.NET agents.

JSON: {"Fully qualified ClassName":{"MethodName1" : "ComponentName", "MethodName2" : "ComponentName" }}
Text: Fully qualified ClassName : methodNames separated by comma(,) : Component Name

For both JSON and text, use the formats below for specifying the fully qualified ClassName:
Java classes format: com/site24x7/apminsight/agent/JavaAgent
.NET classes format: Com.Site24x7.Apminsight.Agent.DotAgent

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