Free Go Module Vulnerability Scanning in Visual Studio Code

Free Go Module Vulnerability Scanning in Visual Studio Code

May 26, 2020

GoCenter Security is now available in Visual Studio Code. Get the extension here:
The earlier you remediate a vulnerability in the release cycle, the lower the cost. JFrog Xray is instrumental in flagging components when vulnerabilities are discovered in production systems at runtime, or even sooner, during the development.
The JFrog VS Code Extension adds JFrog Xray scanning of Maven, npm, Go and Python project dependencies to your VS Code IDE. It allows developers to view panels displaying vulnerability information about the components and their dependencies directly in their VS Code IDE. With this information, a developer can make an informed decision on whether to use a component or not before it gets entrenched into the organization’s product.
Free Go Modules Security Scanning and Metadata from GoCenter
The JFrog Extension also includes free security scanning and metadata of Go Modules from JFrog GoCenter. Read more in the Go Projects section.