Dynatrace Carbon Impact: Measuring Emissions and Energy Consumption - KubeCon NA 23 - Civo TV

Dynatrace Carbon Impact: Measuring Emissions and Energy Consumption - KubeCon NA 23 - Civo TV

Dec 1, 2023

Explore the innovative Carbon Footprint app by Dynatrace, as unveiled at KubeCon NA 23.

Out Civo TV interview with John Kelly, showcases the app's capabilities in measuring and tracking carbon emissions and energy consumption in real-time.

Unique features including optimization recommendations for reducing carbon footprint, detailed emissions data by data center, and the ability to plot carbon footprint trends over time.

Don't miss out on these expert insights and check out all the KubeCon NA 2023 hot topics here: https://www.civo.com/blog/kubecon-north-america-2023-wrap-up