Deploying Artifactory and Xray on Openshift with JFrog Operators

Deploying Artifactory and Xray on Openshift with JFrog Operators

Jul 13, 2020

OpenShift operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. They help handle the complex details of running containerized software, monitoring the state of the OpenShift Container Platform to make automated real time operating decisions.

The OpenShift operator now available for JFrog Enterprise is compatible with OpenShift 4 and performs this automated monitoring for your deployment of Artifactory. It helps keep Artifactory running in your K8s cluster by:

  • Setting up the correct RBAC policies to run JFrog Artifactory securely
  • Deploying JFrog Artifactory in a high availability (HA) mode
  • Provisioning the required storage and service endpoints

For those adding JFrog Xray to their JFrog Enterprise subscription for DevSecOps, a second OpenShift operator is available to similarly aid install and maintenance of Xray continuous security.