Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


How to rightsize the Kubernetes resource limits

Kubernetes resource limits are always a tricky setting to tweak, since you have to find the sweet spot between having the limits too tight or too loose. In this article, which is a continuation of the Kubernetes capacity planning series, you’ll learn how to set the right Kubernetes resource limits: from detecting the containers without any limit, to finding the right Kubernetes resource limits you should set in your cluster.

Automated Falco rule tuning

We recently released the automated Falco rule tuning feature in Sysdig Secure. Out-of-the-box security rules are a double-edged sword. On one side, they allow you to get started right away. On the other, it can take many working hours to learn the technology, configuration, and syntax to be able to customize the rules to fit your applications. Falco’s default security rules are no different.

Top 10 PromQL examples for monitoring Kubernetes

In this article, you will find 10 practical Prometheus query examples for monitoring your Kubernetes cluster. So you are just getting started with Prometheus, and are figuring out how to write PromQL queries. At Sysdig, we’ve got you covered! A while ago, we created a PromQL getting started guide. Now we’ll jump in skipping the theory, directly with some PromQL examples.

Securing containers on Amazon ECS Anywhere

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Anywhere enables you to simply run containers in whatever location makes the most sense for your business – including on-premises. Security is a key concern for organizations shifting to the cloud. Sysdig has validated our Secure DevOps platform with ECS Anywhere, giving AWS customers the security and visibility needed to run containers confidently on the new deployment model.

What's new in Sysdig - May 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig. Eid Mubarak! Our team continues to work hard to bring great new features to all of our customers, automatically and for free! Most importantly, of course, was our recent funding round! I won’t repeat all the details as you can read more about what it means here. However, we are super excited about all the new feature improvements we can fund and bring to our customers!

Detecting and Mitigating CVE-2021-25737: EndpointSlice validation enables host network hijack

The CVE-2021-25737 low-level vulnerability has been found in Kubernetes kube-apiserver where an authorized user could redirect pod traffic to private networks on a Node. The kube-apiserver affected are: By exploiting the vulnerability, adversaries could be able to redirect pod traffic even though Kubernetes already prevents creation of Endpoint IPs in the localhost or link-local range.

Securing the new AWS App Runner service

In its mission to simplify building and running cloud-native applications for users, Amazon has announced the GA of AWS App Runner, a new purpose-built container application service. With security top of mind for most organizations shifting to the cloud, Sysdig has collaborated with AWS to enable threat detection for the new platform.

Top 10 metrics in PostgreSQL monitoring with Prometheus

PostgreSQL monitoring with Prometheus is an easy thing to do thanks to the PostgreSQL Exporter. PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database with a powerful community behind it. It’s very popular due to its strong stability and powerful data types. In this article, you’ll learn the top 10 metrics in PostgreSQL monitoring, with alert examples, both for PostgreSQL instances in Kubernetes and AWS RDS PostgreSQL instances.

See your logs and metrics together with LogDNA and Sysdig integration

Observability is the key to solving problems quickly, and organizations use many tools to try to increase visibility in their environments so they don’t miss anything. Typical sources of observability include metrics, logs, and traces. The foundation of monitoring, metrics are predictable counts or measurements that are aggregated over a specific period of time. Timestamped records of discrete events that can store outputs from applications, systems, and services.