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Mix-n-Match ANY combination of services from AWS, GCP and Azure

Say goodbye to cloud lock-in and hello to endless possibilities! In this walkthrough, you'll learn how to avoid vendor lock-in and optimize costs by mixing and matching services from AWS, GCP, Azure -- as if these clouds have merged. Control Plane's Universal Cloud Identity® makes it easy to consume any combination of cloud services and craft the ideal cloud environment while running apps on-premises or on any cloud, in any region.

The Future of AI: Infra to Scale Your GenAI Apps to Success [Live Webinar]

Gain invaluable insights from industry experts on how to ensure performance, security, and cost-efficiency in your Generative AI application infrastructure. Enjoy this live webinar replay with Chiru Bhavansikar, Chief AI Officer of Arhasi, and Doron Grinstein, CEO of Control Plane. Their combined expertise provides a comprehensive guide to scaling GenAI to success. Highlights include: There's never been a better time to set up your AI infrastructure for success. Ready to get started?

Control Plane is the most powerful environment for running multi-cloud & multi-region microservices

Control Plane is the most powerful environment for running microservices. Our patented technology harnesses the combined power of all the clouds, giving developers unprecedented power and flexibility. Founded in 2019, the Control Plane Platform was born out of the need to deliver unbreakable, auto-scaled, low-latency microservices. It is a virtual cloud made up of the three major cloud providers, harnessing all their power at a small fraction of the cost because workloads run serverless and cluster-less.

Control Plane Demo

Control Plane is a perfect substrate to run microservices. When you deploy on Control Plane, your containerized apps run concurrently on AWS, Azure and GCP. Customers experience ultra-low latency, 99.999% availability and you can mix-n-match ALL the services of AWS, Azure and GCP as if those clouds have virtually merged. All your "Ops" portion of "DevOps" has been codified so developers are freed to focus on the Dev part and leave the Ops part to the platform.