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3 Ways to Optimize your Kubernetes Clusters with Resource Control

We cover some real world cases and provide valuable insights into how resources might be the source of future angst that you could avoid. With so many moving parts and so many settings it is nearly impossible to avoid resourcing issues and unnecessary cost in container environments.

6 Things Critical to Cloud Optimization Programs

Enterprises face many challenges when FinOps programs turn to infrastructure optimization to find cloud savings. Cloud catalog complexity, reluctant engineers or even having the staff and time to make the many changes required can all slow down or impede progress and savings. In this 20-min session we will cover the 6 things leading large scale cloud users have learned are critical to cloud optimization programs.

Kubernetes Optimization: Focus on the Highest Impact Actions

The ’80-20’ Rule Applied to Kubernetes Optimization. Watch this 20-min session to hear Densify’s experts discuss strategies for optimizing Kubernetes environments while minimizing the required work. During this session Densify will present an analysis of a large scale Kubernetes environment showing how 80% of optimization savings can be achieved by focusing on 20% of the container deployments.

Container Optimization Techniques that Cloud Providers Hate!

Watch this 20-min session to get an in-depth look at factors that must be considered when optimizing containers, and effective ways to optimize container density to make sure that they don’t get throttled or killed, while at the same time making sure that being safe doesn’t run up a huge cloud bill. We cover 3 critical factors that are key when optimizing.