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Checkly Kick-Start: Writing your first site monitor

Join Nočnica Mellifera for the Checkly Kick-start. You'll learn: How to get started and write your first page monitors — Anyone can monitor their site with Checkly, and you'll get a demonstration on getting started. Best Practices for monitoring — From monitoring as code workflows to alert configurations based on your SLA, learn how experienced professionals use synthetic monitoring. Advanced skills for automation — Ever wanted to check your site by comparing screenshots? Or create checks that simulate network slowdown? Learn how to simulate complex scenarios with Checkly and Playwright.

Why "page.goto()" is slowing down your tests

In this video, we dive into Playwright's "page.goto()" and understand why it could be slowing down your end-to-end tests. We start with an example script and then walk you through the Playwright UI mode to understand how resource loading can delay the "page.goto()" call. We also look into the different "waitUntil" configurations and check how they affect the speed of your tests. Enjoy, and drop any questions or comments below!

Playwright at Scale

When adopting Playwright, it can be tough to know if you're following the right design principles for a process that will work at scale. For those Cypress users, check out Cypress at Scale. Join Jonathan and Filip as we explore how mature organizations and effective teams adopt Playwright. We'll cover what we've seen in the wild and key considerations. — Fundamentals & principles: You'll understand what Playwright is and its design principles.

Get alerted when your Playwright checks degrade in performance

Discover how to improve your end-to-end monitoring alerts with Checkly's new feature: degraded browser check runs. In this video, you'll learn how to extend your Playwright tests to mark test runs as "degraded" under certain conditions. Marking checks as degraded gives you more control over critical alerts and you'll gain more insights into your monitoring results.

How to monitor your APIs with Checkly API checks

This video covers how to use Checkly's API checks and active synthetic monitoring to streamline your API monitoring process and detect issues faster. We'll set up a new API check to monitor one of Checkly's API endpoints and go step-by-step from configuring the API request to defining essential headers, monitoring details and retry strategies.

Using Visual Regression checks to Make Sure You Never Miss a Problem on Production

This webinar introduces an approach to visual regression monitoring, utilizing Playwright and Checkly. Playwright, an open-source end-to-end testing framework supported by Microsoft, enables you to simulate complex paths through your site. Checkly, which uses playwright to create synthetic service monitors, enables the execution of visual regression tests at regular intervals. This combination alerts developers to potential interface problems before they become visible to users.

How to narrow and chain your Playwright locators

Locating elements in your end-to-end tests can sometimes be a challenge. In this video, we tackle the problem of hard-to-locate elements by chaining multiple locators using `locator().and()`. By chaining locators you'll be able to combine user-first locators with specific locators reaching for a test id or CSS class.

How to test and monitor your APIs with Playwright

In today's video, we explore a lesser-known feature of Microsoft's Playwright - API Testing. We'll illustrate how to use Playwright for testing GraphQL as an example of an HTTP-based API; RESTful APIs can be tested too. We'll explain the usage of the 'request' fixture with Playwright, parse responses and validate their correctness. Moreover, we'll delve into executing multiple API requests in a single Playwright test case while testing their responses.