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Using Workforce Management Software? Top KPIs to Assess Schedule Quality

Workforce management (WFM) software can play a pivotal role in modern business operations, as a high-quality schedule not only boosts operational efficiency and employee satisfaction but also improves customer service. Of course, the technology tool chosen must be capable of producing a high-quality schedule if you want a significant return on investment (ROI).

The Art and Science of Forecasting in Retail and CPG

With growing eCommerce channels and increased online shopping behavior, omnichannel retailers are grappling with the increased complexity brought on, in part, by current events, but more so the anticipated need to combine online and in-store merchandising, especially for the “new normal.” Siloed decisions around allocation, promotions, in-season pricing, inventory transfers, and fulfillment will fail to deliver the expected margin performance unless they address the interconnectedness of onlin