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CI/CD Testing Done Properly (Agile Testing)

CI/CD is a way of developing software and deploying it so that changes occur quickly, frequently, and with high quality. It has become increasingly important as organizations move towards digital transformation and the need for instant feedback on ideas or products. Agile testing is an approach to testing software where you write tests first and then develop code around those tests.

Securing Terraform Modules with tfsec

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) patterns have enabled velocity, repeatability, and codification of best practices for our environments. However, using IaC has introduced new challenges, especially around security. Securing manually deployed infrastructure is already difficult. This problem rapidly multiplies when organizations adopt IaC patterns, since they must now contend with the complexity of code and the proliferation of environments enabled by this increased velocity.

Scaling up your CI/CD Pipeline as your Organization Grows

As enterprises adopt cloud-based technologies, their IT infrastructure becomes more complex. The need to constantly scale up the CI/CD pipeline presents new challenges for IT teams. This blog post will share best practices and learnings from our work with enterprise customers who have successfully scaled up their CI/CD pipelines and discuss how to solve these challenges with Cloudify in production environments.

Running Cloudify Github Actions Locally

Cloudify offers a set of GitHub actions that can be used to interact with your managers. You can combine and use those actions based on your needs. You can check them out in the GitHub marketplace. This brings us to the main point where a developer would require a way to test GitHub workflows or debug them locally without needing to modify the workflow on the repository -extra commits for debugging- and then go through the logs using the Github actions tab.