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Build and deploy a Dockerized OpenCV application on AWS Lambda

OpenCV is a powerful open source computer vision and machine learning software library for real-time applications. It provides multiple functionalities, including image processing, object detection, and video analysis, making it a fundamental tool for researchers and developers in the field of computer vision. You can deploy your OpenCV applications using AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.

Deploy React to Azure Web Apps

React is an open source JavaScript library known for its simplicity and incredible performance when creating an interactive user interface. React has gained wide adoption from web developers and reputable companies. While there are other frameworks in the JavaScript ecosystem, React is often the first choice when it comes to user interface and frontend business logic.

DORA metrics: How to measure DevOps performance

DevOps accelerates modern software development by automating processes and breaking down silos between development and operations teams. This paradigm shift emphasizes continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to speed time to market, facilitate higher-quality releases, and improve customer satisfaction.

Test and deploy containerized PyTorch models to Heroku

PyTorch is an open source machine learning (ML) framework that makes it easy for researchers and developers to move their projects from prototyping to production. With PyTorch, you don’t have to learn complex C++ code - you can use regular Python for your ML projects. This makes it a great choice for anyone who wants to get started quickly and easily with ML.

What is OSS?

Open source software (OSS) is a type of software with source code that can be published, reused, modified, and redistributed free of charge. This approach to building, maintaining, and distributing software has benefits for businesses and end users alike. In this article, you will learn what OSS is, its benefits for the software community, and the differences between different open source licenses.

What is Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)?

Mean time to repair (MTTR) is a metric used to measure the average time required to diagnose and fix a malfunctioning system or component, ensuring it returns to full operational status. In software development, downtime halts user access and disrupts operations, leading to customer dissatisfaction and financial losses. In manufacturing, it slows production, affecting supply chains and profitability. In healthcare, downtime can compromise patient care and safety.

Pytest: Getting started with automated testing for Python

Testing Python applications is critical to ensuring they function as intended in real-world scenarios. Among the numerous testing frameworks available for Python, pytest stands out as a primary choice for many developers. Renowned for its straightforward yet powerful features, pytest makes writing and running tests efficient and effective. In this guide, we’ll explore how to get started with pytest, from installation to writing your first tests.

What is a DevOps engineer? A look inside the role

DevOps engineers play a vital role in modern software organizations, helping to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. DevOps is a cultural and technical approach that emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). DevOps engineers are responsible for implementing and supporting these practices to improve efficiency, enhance software quality, and accelerate delivery times.

Control multi-regional infrastructure in a monorepo with CircleCI

How can your organization leverage continuous integration (CI) to manage your infrastructure at scale in a reliable, secure, and repeatable fashion? If you are maintaining multiple projects, the monorepo strategy can be a useful approach that allows for a unified build and CI process and makes it easier to enforce coding standards and organizational practices. It can also help DevOps and platform teams streamline dependency management to reduce conflicts and compatibility issues.