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Console Connect Ecosystem Update November 2020

The Console Connect ecosystem is rapidly expanding. To help you keep up-to-speed, each month we are bringing you updates on all our latest data centre, cloud and SaaS interconnect locations, as well as introducing you to some of our newest ecosystem partners. Now, we’ve extended your reach even further! In the last month, we have on-boarded new data centres, cloud locations and new SaaS partners!

Introducing Our Newest Cloud Partner... Anexia

When it comes to selecting a cloud provider, today’s enterprises have more choice than ever before. That’s why Console Connect is continuing to expand our cloud partner ecosystem and enable our users to directly connect with more cloud providers worldwide We'd like to take a moment to introduce the latest cloud provider to join our ecosystem… Anexia.

Empowering Digital Transformation Through Network Automation

2020 has seen a real acceleration in the adoption of new digital business models. At Capacity Europe last week, PCCW Global’s VP of Digital Innovation Marketing, Neil Templeton, took to the virtual stage to explain how network automation is helping businesses embrace digital transformation. “Since March and the onset of COVID 19, we’ve seen an accelerated pace of change with businesses and their move to digital transformation.

Bringing Latin America Closer To The Cloud

Latin America’s cloud ecosystem stands on the brink of change. Traditionally, businesses in the region have relied on access to cloud infrastructure and services hosted in the US. But the acceleration of cloud adoption in Latin American markets, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico, is attracting the attention of hyper-scale cloud providers and leading to new investment in data centres.

Console Connect Ecosystem Update October 2020

The Console Connect ecosystem is rapidly expanding. To help you keep up-to-speed, each month we are bringing you updates on all our latest data centre, cloud and SaaS interconnect locations, as well as introducing you to some of our newest ecosystem partners. This month, we’ve extended your reach even further! We have on-boarded over 40 data centres and over 20 new SaaS PoPs! Here is the full list of our new locations and clouds.

Top Three Takeaways From Our Multi-Cloud Connectivity Webinar

The move to a multi-cloud environment brings with it many new considerations for an enterprises. Among those is a new approaching to networking. In our recent webinar, Jay Turner, Vice President of Development and Operations, and Neil Templeton VP, Marketing at PCCW Global, looked at some of the common challenges facing enterprises as they connect to more clouds, and identified some new ways to manage these connections more effectively. Here’s some of the tips you might have missed…

5 Reasons Why Demand For Colocation Space Is Growing Across Asia Pacific

Demand for colocation space is continuing to accelerate across the Asia Pacific region. According to research by Global Data, data centre and hosting services revenue is estimated to reach around $32 billion by 2023, giving the region an almost 30% share of the overall global data centre market. Let’s take a closer look at what’s driving that growth…