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7 Reasons Why Your Internal Developer Platform will Fail

In a previous post, we discussed the rise of the developer platform and how developer productivity is one of the main reasons why many organizations are either looking for or building an internal developer platform (IDP). According to a recent global survey done by Stripe, on a scale of 0 – 100%, developers responded that only 68.4% of their time is productive, which means that developers could be nearly 50% more productive than today: (100% — 68.4%) / 68.4% = 46%

Untangling Network Policies on K8s

Network Policy is a critical part of building a robust developer platform, but the learning curve to address complex real-world policies is not tiny. It is painful to get the YAML syntax right. There are many subtleties in the behavior of the network policy specification (e.g., default allow/deny, wildcarding, rules combination, etc.). Even an experienced Kubernetes YAML-wrangler can still easily tie their brain in knots working through an advanced network policy use case.

The rise of the developer platform

I have recently seen quite a few articles and talks covering why organizations are aiming at implementing a developer platform to help speed up the adoption of microservices within their organizations but before we get started on discussing what a developer platform is, the developer experience and productivity on Kubernetes, and how different teams are working through it, let’s define some common ground.

The future of testing with Launchable

In this video with with Kohsuke Kawaguchi (KK) from Launchable and Viktor Farcic we talk about testing K8s applications. Do we really need to write all the tests every time we make a change to the source code or make a release? That could take minutes or even hours. Wouldn’t it be better to run only the tests related to the changes we are making or the phase of the lifecycle of an application? Is the future of testing in AI and ML?

3 Things You Should Be Doing in Cloud Native in 2021

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2021, we wanted to talk about things we should be doing as part of a cloud native strategy for the remaining 3/4 of the year. Moving from traditional monolithic. architectures to a modern microservices approach has many benefits, but still has the greater majority of us baffled in terms of tapping into its full potential.

Deploying applications to Kubernetes from your CI pipeline with Shipa and CircleCI

Kubernetes can bring a wide collection of advantages to a development organization, but efficiently deploying applications to Kubernetes is something many organizations are still working to perfect. Properly using Kubernetes can significantly improve productivity, empower you to better utilize your cloud spend, and improve application stability and reliability. On the flip side, if you are not properly leveraging Kubernetes, your would-be benefits become drawbacks.

Shifting Complexities in DevOps

In this episode of ShipTalk, Jim Shilts, Developer Advocate at Shipa and the Founder and President of North American DevOps Group (NADOG), chats with Ravi Lachhman, Evangelist at Harness on the “Shifting Complexities in DevOps.” Jim has been working on solving engineering efficiency problems for over 20 years, working at firms such as Build Forge and Electric Cloud, pre-dating the inception of Hudson/Jenkins.

A real-world application deployment on Kubernetes

CEO and Founder, Shipa Corp We see people talking more and more about Kubernetes these days, and if I have to guess, these conversations will continue to grow. Still, the reality is that most enterprise companies are just starting to explore Kubernetes, or they are at the very early stages of scaling it. As you deploy production-grade apps on Kubernetes, both developers and DevOps teams realize that operationalizing applications on Kubernetes can be way more complicated than expected.