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June 2024

Navigating Software Engineering Complexity With Observability

In the not-too-distant past, building software was relatively straightforward. The simplicity of LAMP stacks, Rails, and other well-defined web frameworks provided a stable foundation. Issues were isolated, systems failed in predictable ways, and engineers had time to innovate on new features for the business. And it was good.

FireHydrant Case Study Video: Implementing Honeycomb to Streamline Their Migration to Kubernetes

#kubernetes helps teams of all sizes optimize their #microservices architecture by enabling seamless automated containerized app deployment, easy scalability, and efficient operations. But Kubernetes also has a reputation for being difficult to learn and complex to manage, and when you’re new to something, it’s hard to know what you don’t know.

OpenTelemetry Best Practices #3: Data Prep and Cleansing

Having telemetry is all well and good—amazing, in fact. It’s easy to do: add some OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation libraries to your stack and they’ll fill your disks with data pretty quickly. However, having good telemetry data—data that’s curated into being useful—is something that is both cost-effective and represents good value.

Ask the Experts: Observability: What Can the Frontend Steal From the Backend?

What is the biggest value of #observability as practiced on the #backend that you are excited to see taken up as more #frontend #developers start practicing observability on their own? Featuring: Winston Hearn, Frontend Observability Expert and Hazel Weakly, Web Developer and #SRE.

Ask the Experts: Distributed Tracing, OpenTelemetry, and Connecting Your Frontend to Your Backend

While baggage isn’t required for distributed tracing, it is required for carrying metadata between services. How will the observability community address that and make it easier over time? Featuring: Winston Hearn, Frontend Observability Expert and Hazel Weakly, Web Developer and SRE.

Investigating Mysterious Kafka Broker I/O When Using Confluent Tiered Storage

Earlier this year, we upgraded from Confluent Platform 7.0.10 to 7.6.0. While the upgrade went smoothly, there was one thing that was different from previous upgrades: due to changes in the metadata format for Confluent’s Tiered Storage feature, all of our tiered storage metadata files had to be converted to a newer format.