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July 2020

Defining your Sev-1s

One of the primary things you need to figure out whenever your team is formulating your incident management process is describing in words what a Sev0(your highest incident priority) looks like. “Website doesn’t work” is certainly no enough. “Website is up but a key resource (ie CSS file) is missing, rendering the website unusable” is still not enough. “A single page on the website is 404’ing” is not a major but could be a minor incident.

Sending Nagios alerts to Microsoft Teams and rapid incident response with Zenduty

Nagios is one of the most widely used open-source network monitoring software used by thousands of NOC teams globally to monitor the health of a vast array of their hosts and services. Most teams rely on Emails as their primary Nagios alert notification channel, which may take a few minutes to respond to by your NOC team.

Product Metrics for Discovery Activities

Most companies today compile a set of metrics for their product teams to regularly report on to the company management. This includes a variety of product performance metrics(usage frequency, churn rate, NPS, etc.). But a lot of them struggle a bit with product discovery activities. So how do your track discovery?

Two tips to incorporate the voice of the customer in your story grooming/sprint planning

Constantly talking to your users about their business problems and incorporating those solutions is key to the success off your product and company. There are many ways to incorporate the voice of your users into your product planning. Formulate an experience brief that’s less than 2 pages, or a 5-minute clip of user interviews. The best is to have devs in the interviews and discovery activities with you as well.