SquaredUp for SCOM - Licensing - Introduction

SquaredUp for SCOM - Licensing - Introduction

Welcome to the SquaredUp for SCOM Licensing Overview video series, in this video series we are going to show you the difference between the Essentials, Enterprise, and EAM license tiers.

We will take you through the different license tiers for SquaredUp for SCOM and we will explore the different tiles and features available in each license tier.


Licensing Overview: https://support.squaredup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007779518-Licensing-Overview

Named Users: https://support.squaredup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007867177-How-to-manage-Named-Users

Pricing: https://squaredup.com/pricing/

Website: https://squaredup.com/

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist