SolarWinds Cloud, GO! Learn Modern Monitoring for Apps, Cloud & DevOps - SolarWinds Lab Episode #60

SolarWinds Cloud, GO! Learn Modern Monitoring for Apps, Cloud & DevOps - SolarWinds Lab Episode #60

Applications are rapidly evolving from hulking, monolithic stacks to distributed components and services, flying in loose formation to deliver resilient services users like. But the way these applications are built, delivered, and monitored is new, with additional complexities introduced by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure service primitives, Docker, and Kubernetes, auto-scaling, code pipelines, and a huge increase in deployment velocity.

In this episode of SolarWinds Lab, we go hands-on—not just with the challenges of modern application monitoring techniques, but their enormous promise to reliably deliver services that delight users, and don't just satisfy old-world SLAs. SolarWinds Cloud experts untangle application performance monitoring (APM) vs. infrastructure monitoring, distributed tracking strategies and concerns, tailoring dashboards to unique DevOps processes, best practices for wrangling telemetry agents, language instrumentation, code troubleshooting, and more.