RCA Series: Accelerate security investigations w/ machine learning and Elastic (3/4)

RCA Series: Accelerate security investigations w/ machine learning and Elastic (3/4)

May 3, 2023

Comprehensive security requires multiple layers of threat protection. Sophisticated threats exploit idiosyncrasies in your environment. Unsupervised machine learning identifies patterns of normal activity from your data, and therefore can catch attacks that standard approaches to threat hunting, such as pre-defined rules, are likely to miss.

This video explains how machine learning adds a layer to your threat protection, and how interactive tools offered in the Elastic Security solution accelerate the investigation of security incidents.

Additional Resources:

Start the 14-day trial for free! No credit card required: https://ela.st/try-ml
Subscribe to Elastic’s Community YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/OfficialElasticCommunity

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About Elastic
Elastic is the leading platform for search-powered solutions, and we help everyone — organizations, their employees, and their customers — find what they need faster, while keeping applications running smoothly, and protecting against cyber threats. When you tap into the power of Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, you’re in good company with brands like Netflix, Uber, Slack, Microsoft, and thousands of others who rely on us to accelerate results that matter.

#ElasticSecurity #MachineLearning