Observing an application with Elastic Observability APM

Observing an application with Elastic Observability APM

Mar 21, 2023

Once you instrument our app with Elastic APM or OpenTelemetry agents, Elastic's APM capabilities allow you to see the applications service map, traces, dependencies, service health, and analyze with an aggregated view of metrics, traces, logs with Machine learning and AIOps.

Additional Resources:
APM Overview Guide: https://www.elastic.co/what-is/application-performance-monitoring
Learn more about Elastic Observability: https://www.elastic.co/observability
Learn more about Elastic Agent: https://www.elastic.co/elastic-agent
Learn more about APM with Elastic Observability: https://www.elastic.co/observability/application-performance-monitoring
Learn more about Elastic AIOps: https://www.elastic.co/observability/aiops

Start the 14-day trial for free! No credit card required: https://cloud.elastic.co/registration
Subscribe to Elastic’s Community YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/OfficialElasticCommunity

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About Elastic
Elastic is the leading platform for search-powered solutions, and we help everyone — organizations, their employees, and their customers — find what they need faster, while keeping applications running smoothly, and protecting against cyber threats. When you tap into the power of Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, you’re in good company with brands like Netflix, Uber, Slack, Microsoft, and thousands of others who rely on us to accelerate results that matter.

#APM #Observability #OpenTelemetry #ElasticObservability #MachineLearning #AIOps